A vibrant image of various plants with leaves
Bryophyllum, also called "Life Plant," helps treat wounds, burns, and respiratory issues by promoting healing.
Jade plants not only purify the air but are also known to bring good luck according to Feng Shui.
Aloe Vera is famous for its medicinal properties, especially for soothing burns, enhancing skin health, and improving digestion.
Peperomia purifies the air and is a perfect indoor plant for reducing formaldehyde and toxins in your home.
Kalanchoe is known for its beautiful blooms and can also help in wound healing and promoting skin health.
This low-maintenance succulent enhances home décor and improves air quality.
Snake Plant is a powerful air purifier, improving indoor air quality by absorbing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene.
Begonias are ornamental plants with medicinal benefits, such as treating headaches and swelling.
Sedum is drought-resistant, easy to propagate, and can treat inflammatory conditions.