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“Benefits of Padmasana: 22 Powerful Benefits of the Iconic Lotus Pose”
Idam Padmasanam Prkatam Sarva vyadhi vinashanam
Padmasana derives its name from the Sanskrit word “Padma” which means Lotus. It is another sitting asana. Padmasana is an ultimate meditative pose. It is a cross-legged sitting pose. The Lotus yoga pose helps to connect the mind, body and soul.

- Sit straight on the ground.
- The spine should be erect as one sits.
- Now fold the right leg and place the foot of the right leg closer to the hip above the left thigh.
- The right heel should be pressed against the lower left part of the abdomen.
- Now the left leg should be folded and placed above the right thigh.
- The left heel should be pressed against the lower right part of the abdomen.
- Now place both the hands on the knees in Gyanmudra.
- Breathing should be normal while keeping the spine straight.
- People can hold in this position for however long they feel comfortable.

Benefits of Padmasana
- Regular practice of this asana increases the concentration and focus power of the brain.
- Regular practice of Padmasana makes the mind and reflexes sharp.
- It helps to calm/relax the mind and body.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to improve the eye sight.
- Padmasana is a very beneficial exercise for those who have anxiety and are often stressed.
- Regular practice of Padmasana helps to cure the problem of insomnia.
- Regular practice of this yoga pose helps to energize the body by eliminating fatigue.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to keep the spine straight and in a healthy shape.
- Regular practice of Padmasana helps to increase the stretching of hip and knee joints.
- Regular practice of padmasana provides the great strength and flexibility of the joints.
- Regular practice of padmasana helps to preserve all the natural Fluids in the body. Such as Synovial fluid the joints of knees, shoulders, hips, hands and feet.
- It helps to reduce the fat of thighs and hips.
- This asana is helpful for people suffering from shortness of breath.
- Regular practice of this is asana helps to cure the problems of feet concerning excessive sweat and bad odour.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to improve the digestive system and it also helps to cure constipation.
- Regular practice of Padmasana tones up the nerves of coccyx and sacral region by supplying them with extra blood.
- Regular practice of this asana is very beneficial for women as it helps to reduce the menstrual pain/cramps and also helps to lessen the straining in the abdominal region.
- Regular practice of this asana is highly beneficial for pregnant women as it increases the chances of normal delivery.
- It helps to control the blood pressure.
- It helps to improve the urinary system.
- The practice of this asana increases the brightness and glow of the face.
- Regular and proper practice of Padmasana destroys all the diseases from the body.

- People who have undergone any major ankle, knee or back related surgery/surgeries should avoid doing this asana for at least 9 to 12 months after it and if they want to start this after the mentioned period of time, they should discuss it with their doctor.
- Acute Arthritis patients should avoid the practice of this asana.
- During the later period of pregnancy, this asana should be performed very carefully and only after consulting the doctor and only in the presence of a profession yoga trainer.
- People who have severe back pain should avoid the practice of this yoga pose.
- People with severe stomach problem should avoid the practice of this asana.
- In the case of Varicose veins should avoid practice of this asana.
- Sciatica patients should avoid practice of this asana.
- In case of severe Ankle pain, back pain, knee pain should avoid the practice of this asana.
Embracing Padmasana for Comprehensive Wellbeing
Padmasana is in excess of a yoga present; it is an immortal image of inward harmony, actual imperativeness, and profound upliftment. Its capacity to adjust the psyche, upgrade center, and reinforce the body makes it a significant practice for anybody looking for concordance in a high speed world. Logical examinations affirm its adequacy in further developing course, quieting the sensory system, and supporting better stance, while old texts commend its job in extending reflection and advancing mindfulness.
By dedicating only a couple of moments daily to this notorious lotus present, you can receive significant rewards that reach out a long ways past the mat, contacting each part of your life. Whether you are a carefully prepared yogi or a novice on the way to wellbeing, Padmasana offers an entryway to a better, more adjusted, and profoundly more extravagant presence. Embrace it, and watch the change unfurl.
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