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20 Benefits of ARDHACHAKRASANA, its Technique, and Precautions
Ardha means half and chakra means wheel. Ardhachakrasana (the half wheel posture) is a standing asana, this asana is also known as half-moon pose. In this posture the body takes the shape of half-wheel therefore it is called Ardhachakrasana.

- Stand straight on the ground or mat with both the feet together.
- Keep both the hands on the hips.
- Now inhale and support the lower back area with both the palms.
- Bend both the elbows.
- Now start bending backward while exhaling.
- After bending, try to maintain the posture with normal breathing and try not to lose the body balance.
- Hold it there in the mentioned position for 10 to 30 seconds.
- Now inhale and slowly return to the normal position.
- Now repeat this procedure for about 3 to 5 times.
Benefits of Ardhachakrasana

1. It helps to make the spine more flexible.
2. Ardhachakrasana strengthens the spinal nerves.
3. It helps to strengthen the spinal muscles.
4. It reduces the belly fat.
5. It also helps to tone up the muscles of the abdomen.
6. It helps to stimulate the pancreas.
7. It helps to control high-blood sugar.
8. It improves the breathing capacity of the lungs.
9. It improves the quality of the respiratory system and helps it to function properly.
10. Ardhachakrasana helps in curing cervical-spondylosis.
11. It tones up the arms, thighs, waist, lower back, shoulder and calf muscles.
12. Neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain can easily be cured with regular practice of this asana.
13. Stomach related problems can easily be cured if one practices this asana regularly and properly.
14. It improves the immunity of the intestines.
15. Digestive system stays on track with regular practice of this asana.
16. It helps to cure menstruation related problems.
17.It is a very good asana for females as it cure problems related to the lower back.
18. It regulates the blood pressure.
19.Regular practice of this asana keeps the heart healthy.
20. It helps to supply proper oxygen to all the body parts and makes sure that the body parts are functioning properly.
- People who have undergone any major surgery/surgeries should avoid doing this asana for at least 9 to 12 months after it and if they want to start this after the mentioned period of time, they should discuss it with their doctor.
- During pregnancy, women should do this asana as lightly and carefully as possible and only after they have consulted the doctor.
- People who have problems in their spine, hip area should avoid doing this asana.
- People who are suffering with Ulcer, Hernia and Vertigo should avoid doing this asana.
- People who are suffering with Hypertension should either avoid doing this asana or if they want to do it then they should do it with precautions.
Regular and correct practice of Ardhachakrasana can bring about a tremendous positive change in our physical, mental and spiritual health. This unique yoga posture increases the flow of energy in the body by making the spine flexible and improves our overall physical condition. By strengthening the muscles of the back and shoulders, this posture increases the functioning of the lungs, which strengthens the respiratory system and allows more oxygen to flow into our lungs. Ardhachakrasana not only improves the functioning of the digestive system, but it also keeps the metabolism active, which keeps the weight in balance and the body’s energy stable.
The biggest benefit of this yoga posture is its ability to bring mental peace and reduce stress. Ardhachakrasana helps in calming the mind and concentrating, which helps us to achieve more positive thinking, confidence and mental balance. It is a means of awakening the inner power hidden within us, which helps in maintaining mental and emotional balance.
However, it is important to take care of some important precautions while practicing this yoga posture. It should be done in the right way to avoid any kind of muscle strain, injury or other problems. Especially people with back pain, hernia, or pregnant women should be careful while practicing this asana and should do it under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher.
Regular practice of Ardhachakrasana will not only make your body strong and flexible, but will also prove to be helpful in achieving mental peace and inner balance in life. It is a complete yoga asana, which gives a unique feeling of positivity, balance and health in life.