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“Mandukasana: 1 Powerful Pose for Transforming Your Health!”
What is Mandukasana?
It is a sitting posture in hatha yoga and modern yoga and also an exercise. It has been derived from the Sanskrit word Mandukasana. Mandukasana consists of two words Manduka and asana, Manduka means frog and asana means posture. The body adopts the shape of a frog in its final posture, hence the name.
How to do Mandukasana?
- Sit in vajrasana comfortably.
- Close the fists of both hands.
- Make the fists with the thumbs inside with fingers.
- Put both the fists close to the navel and then press them.
- One other way to do this asana is to place both palms together, right palm on top of the left one and then place them on the navel area and press.
- Now, exhale slowly and bend forward from the waist, and bring the chest down so that it touches the thighs and then hold the breath.
- Now keep looking/focusing straight.
- Make sure that the heels are touching the butt.
- Maintain the position for as long as you feel comfortable while holding the breath.
- Now inhale slowly and return back to the starting position i.e. Vajrasana.
- Repeat this for at least 3-4 times.

14 Benefits of Mandukasana
- Regular and proper practice of this asana increases the quantity of insulin and so, is a good practice for those who have diabetes.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to cure abdomen/stomach related problems.
- Regular and proper practice of this asana is highly beneficial for the digestive system.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to cure the problems of indigestion, acidity and constipation.
- Regular practice of this Asana improves the functioning of the excretory system.
- This asana is a very beneficial and helpful exercise for those who have cardio-vascular problems.
- This asana helps to burn the fat from areas such as stomach, thighs and hips.
- It helps to improve the flexibility of thighs and hips.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to maintain a balanced and healthy weight.
- Mandukasana is a very beneficial exercise for women as it helps to cure menstruation pain/cramps.
- Regular practice of this asana strengthens the muscles of the back.
- This Asana helps to correct the problem of dislocated navel.
- It is a very good yoga practice for the strengthening of the chest and shoulders.
- People who have asthma and have difficulties in breathing should regularly practice this yoga asana.
What are the therapeutic benefits of Mandukasana?
- Regular and proper practice of this asana helps to eliminate the problems such as stress, anxiety and depression.
- Regular practice of this asana helps one to increase their focus power. It helps to increase the concentration.
- Regular practice of this asana helps to improve mental health.
What are the precautions of Mandukasana?
- People who have undergone any major ankle, knee, back, abdominal/stomach and hip related surgery/surgeries should avoid doing this asana for at least 9 to 12 months after it, and if they want to start this after the mentioned period of time, they should discuss it with their doctor and even after that, should only perform this asana in the presence of a yoga trainer.
- People who have severe back pain should avoid the practice of this yoga as it can cause problems.
- Acute Arthritis patients should avoid the practice of this asana.
- Those who are suffering from severe knee pain and ankle injury should avoid doing this asana.
- Practice of Mandukasana should be avoided in the case of high blood pressure and low blood pressure.
- In case of migraine, insomnia and hypertension, one should avoid the practice of this asana as there are chances of them fainting while doing it.
- People suffering from hernia, intestinal ulcers and small and large intestinal diseases should practice this asana only under the guidance of an expert.
- Pregnant women should avoid the practice of this asana.
What are the Tips for Beginners?
- In the beginning, according to one’s convenience, one should practice sitting in Mandukasana and gradually increase the time.
- One can place a folded bed sheet/blanket in between the ankles and buttocks for comfort.
Mandukasana: The Key to Holistic Health
This asana, also known as the Frog Pose, is not just a physical exercise, but a transformational practice that promotes holistic health. Its profound benefits, such as improving digestion, activating the body’s detoxification process, enhancing emotional balance and providing mental clarity, prove its uniqueness. This ancient yoga pose symbolizes harmony between body and mind, making it a powerful tool for anyone seeking a healthy and balanced life. Practicing This asana regularly not only provides a strong and flexible body, but also paves the way towards a calm and focused mind. This proves that the road to true health begins with small and regular steps.
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