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MP Teacher Recruitment | Teacher vacancy teacher2025:
MP Teacher Recruitment : If you want to make your career in the field of education, then you can apply for this MP Teacher vacancy teacher | Teacher recruitment released by Madhya Pradesh Staff Selection Board (MPESB). A total of 10,758 posts will be recruited through this recruitment. It is a great opportunity for the candidates. This recruitment is going to start from 28 January 2025 and run till 11 February 2025.
Position information of MP Teacher Recruitment:
Under this recruitment, teachers will be selected for different subjects, out of which we have given information about some major posts below. You can read the information about the rest of the posts in the notification by visiting the official website.
Secondary Teacher (Subject): 7929 posts
Secondary Teacher Sports: 338 posts
Secondary Teacher Music (Singing and Playing): 392 posts
Primary Teacher Sports: 1377 posts
Primary Teacher Music (Singing and Playing): 452 posts
Primary Teacher Dance: 270 posts

Essential Qualification for MP Teacher Recruitment :
Candidates must have some essential qualifications to apply in MP Teacher Recruitment.
Secondary Teacher (Subject): Candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with 2 years Diploma or 1 year B.Ed.
Secondary Teacher Sports: Candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education (BPed/BPE) or equivalent qualification.
Secondary Teacher Music (Singing and Playing): Must have B.Mus or M.Mus degree.
Primary Teacher Sports: Must have Higher Secondary with Diploma in Physical Education.
Primary Teacher Music (Singing and Playing): Higher Secondary and Diploma in Music/Dance is required.
Primary Teacher Dance: Higher Secondary with Diploma in Dance.
MPESB Recruitment 2025
Application Process for MP Teacher Recruitment:
All the candidates interested in this recruitment will be able to apply online by visiting the official website of MPESB Recruitment 2025. The process of applying is very simple which we have told step by step below. By following it, you will be able to apply easily.
- First of all go to the website and click on the “Online Application” link.
- Fill All the required information and submit the application form.
- Attach all the required documents.
- Now keep the printout of the application form safe for future reference.
MPTeacherRecruitment2025 #GovernmentJobs2025 #TeacherVacancies #MPJobs #SarkariNaukri #TeachingJobs #MPPEBRecruitment #TeacherVacancies2025 #MadhyaPradeshJobs #EducationJobs
MP Teacher Recruitment This recruitment is a good opportunity for all those candidates who want to make their career in the field of education. Candidates who fulfill the given required qualifications can apply for this recruitment and take advantage of this great opportunity. Keep in mind that you should apply before the application date.